Main Content
Sunday, Sept 22nd
Lesson-Sermon Subject: Matter
Golden Text: Isaiah
…Why make an idol or an image that can't do a thing?
Our Sunday Service, including Sunday School and Child Care for babies and toddlers, begins at 11:00 a.m.
We hope you will join us.
The Bible Lesson-Sermon topic is from the Christian Science Quarterly. The Golden Text is from the Contemporary English Version Bible.
Our Services
Sunday church and Sunday School
11:00 am, held in church auditorium
Wednesday meetings
12:00 noon, held in our Sunday School
You are warmly invited to attend.
Free parking is available.
Reading Room
935 SW Columbia
Portland, Oregon 97201
Hours: M-W, 10-4; Th, 10-1; Sat, 12-2
Free parking behind the Reading Room
Telephone: 503-222-4528
Find Us
1331 SW Park Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Telephone: 503-227-6024